Lar Colmeia Hosts Discussion Circle on Protection Against Child Abuse


Lar Colmeia concluded the National Week of Persons with Intellectual and Multiple Disabilities with an important initiative by the Communica-Action Project, focused on raising awareness against child abuse. With the theme "Together for a Protective and Attentive Perspective," we organized a discussion circle that brought together families, professionals from Lar Colmeia, PROAME, and APAE Campo Bom to discuss protection and prevention strategies.

The main goal of the event was to create a space for dialogue and knowledge exchange, focusing on the importance of a protective and attentive outlook for children and adolescents, especially those with intellectual and multiple disabilities, who are even more vulnerable to abuse.

During the discussion, experts shared information on how to identify signs of abuse, the importance of strengthening family bonds, and how we can all contribute to building a safe and welcoming environment. Additionally, effective communication practices and psychological support strategies were discussed, reinforcing the importance of the protection network to ensure the well-being of children.

This meeting reinforced the commitment of the Lar Colmeia’s Communica-Action Project, in partnership with PROAME and APAE Campo Bom, to promote continuous awareness and education initiatives, involving the entire community to create a safer future for our children and adolescents. The active participation of families was essential, demonstrating that together, we can make a difference in protecting those who need it most.

We are very grateful to everyone who participated and contributed to the success of this event. We remain steadfast in our mission to protect, nurture, and educate with respect and care.