Caring for Mental Health in the Digital Age 🌟


Since September, Lar Colmeia has been working tirelessly to create a healthier and more balanced environment for our teenagers when it comes to the use of cell phones and social media. We understand that in today’s digital world, it is crucial to find a balance between using technology and taking care of mental health.

Our journey began with several meetings and discussions among the team, where we explored the best approaches to address this important issue. From these discussions, we created a guide with rules and best practices designed to help our teenagers use digital devices and social media responsibly. In addition, we organized a discussion circle with the teenagers to listen to their challenges and talk about the risks of excessive screen time. It was an enriching moment of mutual learning, where we could better understand their realities and concerns.

Afterward, we held a meeting with our social parents and teenagers, during which we introduced the new rules for cell phone use and explained the importance of walking this path together. At Lar Colmeia, our goal is not to ban technology, but to promote self-care and awareness, so that everyone can enjoy the benefits of the digital world in a healthy and balanced way.

And this action doesn’t stop here! We will have more moments to continue discussing, evaluating results, and learning together. We want to ensure that beyond creating rules, we are building a space for continuous reflection and growth for our teenagers.

After all, taking care of their well-being is taking care of the future. 🌱